LHS students build signs for Forest Service use
Lovell High School students this week undertook a community service project to assist with the battle on the Big Horns against the massive Elk Fire, which as of Tuesday morning had consumed more than 92,000 acres on the eastern flank of the Bighorn National Forest.
Industrial arts teacher Bret George said Tuesday that he and agriculture teacher/FFA advisor Nick Edelman last week put their heads together, saying the two educators wanted to do something to help with the fire on the mountain.
They reached out to Tom Newman of the Big Horn County Search and Rescue north squad, who referred them to county emergency management coordinator LaRae Dobbs. Dobbs said the best thing the students could do was to construct signs that could be used by the Forest Service to provide information to the public about roads closed and other issues.
Both KB Lumber in Lovell and the Greybull Building Center donated material for the signs, and FFA and Skills USA students went to work Tuesday on the signs in the school woodworking shop. Under the guidance of George, the students worked quickly, and by the afternoon, George said, the students had several signs ready for delivery to the mountain, with the message to be determined by the Forest Service.
“More than anything, this project gives them ownership of our local area and what’s going on around us,” George said. “It makes them realize they can make a difference in the world.”
The students built the signs, and the Forest Service will apply the message, George said. The students cut 2x4s for the frame and used three-quarter-inch plywood for the signs. The collapsible A frame design will allow a message on both sides of the sign.
Looking ahead, George said the students are preparing care packages for local volunteer firemen, should they be called to assist with fighting the fire.
“We are waiting in the wings for our local firefighters to get called up to assist on the mountain as needed,” George said. “We’re making care packages so they can focus on what they need to focus on and not food.”