Byron News: Town of Byron welcomes the Pluhar family
It is always good to have a new family settle in our little community. The Pluhar family purchased a home and brought their twin boys, seniors Jace and Jaxton. They have a son and daughter who are married and live in the Star Valley area.
Tomy is a Lovell girl. I knew her dad, Ottis Graves, in our high school years. Her husband, Curt, was raised on a family ranch in Jordan, Montana. While attending college, Tomy’s roommate had a brother named Curt, who she introduced to Tomy. Curt was going to school and was in the National Guard at the time. After they married, they lived in Billings for 10 years. Recruiting for the Guard took them to live in Rock Springs and later Star Valley.
Tomy worked in the schools where her children attended as well as some work in doctor’s offices. The family enjoys various outdoor activities including hiking, snow skiing and motor biking. Tomy says she goes along to keep a mother’s watchful eye over things.
Curt is now the area manager over recruiting for the Wyoming National Guard.
We are glad they found a home in Byron. For old timers, the property is the old Sessions place. Sharon Sessions grew up there, and later her daughter Holly Jones and family lived there. A few years back there was a fire there. The home was rebuilt and is a nice family home.
Welcome to Byron. Hope this soon feels like home.
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The Byron Lions Club sponsored their annual picnic last Saturday evening. The weather cooperated, and the gathering enjoyed good food and good gab. Thank you to the Lions for cooking supper for the community.
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For those of you interested in area history and maybe some family history, come join us at Jones Park on Monday, Sept. 2, for a yummy breakfast of bacon and pancakes with some interesting Byron history thrown in. Starts at 8. Put it on the calendar and join us for food before your Labor Day plans take off.
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It’s back to school this week. Wow. Where did summer slip away to? It is still giving us some warm days, and the gardens are loving it, but the cooler nights hint at what’s bound to be here soon. The harvest season has begun, and I have had zucchini, potatoes and onions shared by my gardening neighbor, Corry Dunn. I’m looking forward to some of the sweet corn our area is famous for soon. My basil, thyme, rosemary and chives survived. My rhubarb did not. No pie for you.