Decorating partner missed on lighting display recognition

Dear Editor,

I am writing about the recent write-up regarding the lighting contest winners. Bill and I have been decorating our home for about 40 years at our residence here in Lovell.

When I read that “second place was the Carol Prostrollo home at 159 West Eighth,” I couldn’t believe that my husband’s name was left out of the statement. In past reporting on the winners, you have always listed the Bill and Carole Prostrollo home as you did with Tracy and Valerie Beal.

I could never create this full yard display without Bill’s help and do not want the credit to go to myself alone. We spend so many hours on this display and truly enjoy the many compliments from adults and children as they go by. 

As a side note, I hope our neighbors haven’t gotten tired of the Charlie Brown Christmas songs coming from our home in the evening hours.

Carole Prostrollo
