A few things to grumble about this week
It is the beginning of a new year, and I’m grumpier than ever. I shouldn’t be, but everything got hacked - my bank accounts, my email addresses. What a mess. And I am still upset that I didn’t get to vote last year.
I received a re-sign up card in the mail today to remind me. Did I have a chance? Of course. Through the early or out-of-town way, but I like to vote in person and see all the folks from Lovell voting. I didn’t vote because the Community Center was packed. After waiting for a parking spot, I was finally able to walk with my cane in the rain/snow to the front doors, but they were blocked.
They were blocked by people, so it was up to me to stand in the rain, but when you are in your 70s, not a good idea. Why was this? Because they only use half of the building. If they had moved the voting machines to the east side of the building and the sign-in area to the north side, they would not have a blockade of people blocking the doors. I have found out that, some days, I really do like to complain.
I received today’s paper, and I try to avoid politics, but really? You want to limit the federal outreach? How about this: no federal property to be owned by any federal agency or federal person. All owned by the state? That way we won’t have to wait to see how much of a handout the Fed government is going to give us back as an allowance?
How about this? No property tax as we bought our homes and we didn’t buy them for you to suck the blood out of us. My property tax is three times higher in less than five years. Why is 1/2 or more of the tax for schools when I don’t have any kids? I’m helping to support how many schools?
When I was running the big boy toys in rock quarries, I worked 75 hours a week but took home less than 50 grand due to being single and withholdings. When I was horse ranching taking care of 63 horses, I made about 22 grand. Yet, I keep hearing teachers are not paid enough. Really?
I understand you are trying to teach a room full of kids for what, about 7/8 months - closed summers and holidays? And you are not happy making 50 to 120k? I’m sure that’ll spark some responses, so I best hunker down somewhere safe.
Well, that’s about it for now. Time to see who all were arrested and if I know any of them. One last thing. I want to send out my condolences to all those who lost loved ones during these past few holidays. These few gripes of mine are nothing compared to the pain you are suffering. If you need to talk, find someone. Don’t go through the pain alone. Heck, even knock on my door. I think I’m a good listener.
I felt the sigh of relief from stress after the election. Hopefully the good Lord will ease up on many new souls he needs in Heaven.
I was recently told that LOL in computer speak doesn’t mean laughing out loud. Nor does it mean little old ladies but means Ladies of Lovell and ya’all best not mess with ‘em!