Fire Prevention Month: tips for your home

Barbra Anne Greene

October is Fire Prevention Month. Big Horn County Fire Warden Brent Godfrey reminds residents about the importance of smoke detectors.
Nearly three of every five home fire deaths result from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms. For years, it has been recommended that people change the battery in their smoke detectors when they set their clocks for Daylight Savings Time. It is also recommended to make sure the detectors are working properly at the same time. Smoke detectors are often the only alert you will get at night.
Some common tips are:
• Place detectors in all bedrooms and hallways.
• Don’t leave a hot stove unattended. (This is the number one cause of house fires.)
• Have your wood or coal burning stoves and chimneys cleaned and serviced.
• Only use exterior lights on the exterior and indoor lights in the interior. For example, don’t use outdoor Christmas lights on your indoor Christmas tree.
• Know how to use fire extinguishers and have several throughout your home.
• Have an escape plan. This includes a designated location to meet in case of evacuation.
• Give space heaters space.
• Stop, drop and roll can save your life.
• Teach children about the dangers of fires, lighters and matches.
• When possible, turn off portable heaters when you leave a room.