Leadership from the leader’s viewpoint

Johannes Slabbert

Growing up, I always heard people say that leaders are placed there by God. While the Bible says much about leaders and how to lead, it does not say that all leaders are placed there by God. Now we can go on a rabbit trail to say that God is sovereign and that is why He allows the leaders to lead and so on, but I look at the first king for example, Saul. Although the Lord hand-picked Saul, the reason they had a king to begin with was because the people wanted a human leader in place of God. This was not what God wanted, but the people made that choice.

We can look through history and see how people chose godly leaders and God was with them, and also on the flip side see how they chose ungodly leaders and God was not with them. So, to come back to the saying “God placed leaders in their position,” I beg to differ. Regardless of how a leader came about, we have leaders in all aspects of life. We have international, national, state, county, town, business, church and even leaders in our home.

Recently I read in the Bible about David, the king of Israel. I noticed three things in part of his reign that I believe applies to all leaders and also their followers. With this being an election year in America, I felt it fitting to share these points with you. But this does not only apply to the government, it applies to anyone in a leadership role.

1) Sometimes leaders get things they did not ask for: 

In the text I read, David was challenged to war by his own son. This transpired from other events that he had nothing to do with, and I know he wished it did not happen. His other son slept with his half sister, then ended up getting killed by his half brother, and now that brother is making war against his dad. What a mess. David never had to deal with anything like it, nor was there a manual on what to do in this type of situation.

The same happens to all leaders no matter how big or small. Stuff comes up that is a mess, and they wish it was not that way. Just take 9/11 for example. The world never saw anything like it. Some praised the American leaders at that time for how they led, some did not. As leaders, they were faced with a new territory and no easy answers. As followers, I encourage you to stop and think about this next time before you criticize a leader. Keep reading. There is a part you can play positively in this.

2) Undealt sin/problems leads to a bigger mess/problem:

David did not correct his son who took advantage of his sister at all. Six years later he was faced with leaving his home and making war against his own son. This ended in the death of this son Absolom and a nation in turmoil.

If you are a leader, learn from the mistakes of David. You are in the position that you are in to lead, so do just that. This does not mean it is easy. It does not mean that you will be popular for doing so. It does not mean that some decisions you have to make will not hurt or grieve you personally. But you, my friend, are the leader, and if you don’t lead in a proper manner and don’t deal with those hard things they will multiply.

Undealt problems affect more than just those that are directly involved. 

3) Take what you can’t handle to God:

I know that many reading this might disagree with my religious affiliation. But as I normally tell others, I am not saying this to make you do anything, but this is what I do or see from God’s word.

What if David, instead of putting all the weight of his situation on his shoulders, turned it over to God from the get-go and trusted Him with the outcome? I can tell you, the times I have done this or watched others do this, it provides peace and confidence in someone way more powerful and wise than what I am. The Lord knows and sees what we don’t. I wonder what David’s situation could have looked like. I wonder what the outcome of yours and my situations would look like if we take it to the Lord in prayer from the get-go. 

Now follower, this is where you can make a difference. When you see or know that a leader on any level is faced with hard situations, instead of throwing in your two cents and adding to his load, how about saying a prayer for him?

I hope this helped you see leadership from a different angle; and leaders, that you are encouraged. 

God Bless.


Johannes Slabbert is the Pastor of Water Of Life Church, Cowley, Wyo.
