Letter to the Editor: Cats provide many benefits
Dear Editor,
What positives do having a pet bring to people? 1) They slow down dementia; 2) Help with anxiety; 3) Help with depression; 4) Help with blood pressure problems; 4) Entertaining; 5) In today’s way of living, physical exercise is becoming less and less important. This is a sour note for health; 6) From puppyhood to seniorhood our felines offer us fun in the sun and sometimes out of the sun -- needed physical exercise. But don’t stop there. Cats can be taught to fetch, will chase a ball, leap in the air and more to entertain us while they, too, get exercise just as our canine friends do.
Adopt, don’t shop. Shelter pets need homes, and it has been proven scientifically that mixed breeds live longer.
In Japan, all black cats are the favs. I have two and would not trade them for any other -- gentle, fun and funny, loyal and affectionate. Nothing wrong with owning a black cat.
Barbara Anderson