Lincoln Day Dinner set for June 22 in Basin

In an effort to assist voters in being informed about candidates, the Big Horn County Republicans are hosting a Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday, June 22.

The event will take place upstairs at the Basin City Arts Center in Basin. An elevator will be available. The cost is $20. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m., and dinner will begin at 6. Dinner will be a baked potato bar. Some low carb options will be available, as well.

Local, state and national Republican candidates have been invited to attend. Each candidate will be given time to speak, followed by a brief question-and-answer period. Candidates will also be available before and after the program for discussion.

There will also be a dessert auction and silent auction with various items available.

RoxAnne Brewer of Basin will be representing Big Horn County as its delegate to the Republican National Convention, and Sharon Hall of Lovell will be representing Big Horn County as its alternate. The National Convention is being held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, this year, July 15-18.

Each delegate and alternate to the National Convention must pay their way or accept donations, and the cost to attend per person can range from $5,000 to $6,000. To help defer some of that cost, donations to help Brewer and Hall represent Big Horn County on the national level will be accepted at dinner, as well.
