Lovell FCCLA chapter takes high honors at State
The Lovell High School FCCLA chapter made a great showing at the recent FCCLA State Convention held March 20-22 in Cheyenne, with top placings in several events. The honors came as no surprise to longtime family consumer sciences program instructor Alana Thackeray, since the hard-working students typically compete well at events.
“The students did an awesome job this year,” said Thackeray. “The students who won put a great deal of effort, time and energy into their projects. Many spent hours working and visiting with me about their projects. We typically have done very well at the state convention.”
The state conference theme this year was “Walk the Red.”
“The theme went along with working toward success with projects much like getting to walk the red carpet at the Academy Awards,” Thackeray explained. “Our state officers based the theme off the national theme for this year, which is ‘The Ultimate Journey.’”
Wearing red is a requirement when attending FCCLA meetings and events at state and national events. Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life through planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making and interpersonal communication.
The Lovell High School chapter received the State Officer Award for Membership, for increasing its membership by 50 percent this year.
“My officer team worked hard at promoting FCCLA, and that was their project—Promote and Publicize FCCLA,” Thackeray said.
Individual team members took five first-place wins this year. Cecilia Collins took first place in the Focus on the Children Level II and in Textile Arts-Quilts Level II. Grady Henley took first in Job Interview Level II, Haley Sanders in Career Investigation Level II and Brezhae Espinoza in Leadership Level II.
A team consisting of Ada Buchholz, Katie Jones and Brittany Rivera took second place for their efforts to Promote and Publicize FCCLA Level III. Second Place went to Avery Wardell for Creed Level II performance.
Ashley Mangus took third place in Food Innovations Level II. Rivera received the Wyoming FCCLA Scholarship.
Textile Arts-Quilts was a state event. All others were STAR events (Students Taking Action for Recognition). Students who received first and second place wins are eligible to compete at the FCCLA National Convention, which will be held this year in Seattle, June 28-July 3.