Lovell Rod and Gun Club holds three shoots

David Peck

The Lovell Rod and Gun Club hosted three shoots for Mustang Days this year, and although the turnout was relatively light for each event, those who participated enjoyed the contests.
First up was the youth .22 shoot Saturday afternoon, with eight kids participating. Degan Wilson won the 12-and-under division, nailing 15 of 20 targets, followed by Illyena Atkinson.
Jayden Hunder won the 13-15 division in a shoot off, followed by Daniel Jordan, who after the initial shoot off was tied with Tyler Davis for second place when the shooting ended. After a second shoot off failed to break the tie, Jordan edged Davis with a rock-paper-scissors tiebreaker.
Sunday featured the traditional trap shoot, and veteran shooter Bill Scott of Greybull won the adult division by hitting 39 of 50 targets, edging Levi Miller of Cowley, who nailed 38 targets. Curtis Miller placed third with 34.
Three Goolsbey siblings from Powell competed in the youth division, and Russell won the event with 38 targets, followed by Rhett with 33 and Rowdee with 17.
Russell Goolsbey teamed with Scott to win the buddy shoot, and Jesse Logan won the Annie Oakley shoot.
The Top Gun shoot was held Monday evening, featuring five different shoots: pistol, .22 rifle, 100-yard rifle, skeet and trap. The top male shooter was Scott, and the top female was Maddisun Steed.
