New Year’s resolution reset
So, hands up: How many of you made a New Year’s resolution this year? How many of you have already bowed out of it, either by not even starting or just giving up? How many of you are waning? How many (be truthful…it’s just to yourself you’re admitting this) know you won’t continue it? I see it every year in my yoga class. I’ve been going to this class for the last six years or so, twice a week, rarely missing.
Every January the class is packed and then some. Barely room to stretch. February, the size starts fizzling down. By March, we’re back to our core group. So, my guess is two months is about the max most people can put toward fulfilling their resolution goal.
Here’s the thing. I believe pledging a New Year’s Resolution (NYR) is setting yourself up for failure. It’s a forced tradition, pushed onto us by decades and generations of societal exuberance. Everyone asks you, right? What’s your New Year’s Resolution? You gotta have one. Right?
Wrong. If you are only making that leap to push yourself toward your NYR goal based on a day on the calendar … it’s not enough. You have to want to do it. You have to have reached a point where you can put that first foot forward, put down your fork, keep that credit card in your wallet and leave your Amazon cart empty -- because you’ve reached an internal breaking point.
You WANT to do it. You HAVE to do it. It’s become a physical/mental desire. Putting it off isn’t an option. Here’s the thing: If you are telling yourself, “I’ll start to exercise, diet, save money or stop buying crap beginning next year, you aren’t serious about it. Waiting shouldn’t be an option.
My personal weight loss journey over a year ago started mid-November. I know! Right before the season of holiday feasting. And I cooked. But, I did it. I redesigned my whole diet, my way of eating. My base meal is a morning protein smoothie. Just about every day. Sometimes I skip to save the calories for a big dinner or some treat. But I started this life shift when I had an epiphany about my health and my future “Golden” years. I had to wrestle my body into its most fit condition possible. I’ve shaved off a lot of pounds and a couple pant sizes. I feel better, and I’m still sticking with my diet regime for over a year. It’s for life.
So whether it’s your NYR or a goal that came from some internal desire, whenever that occurs, start then. New Year’s Day, February 19, April 2, August 21. Whenever it hits you. Don’t wait for a calendar day. Start on your new life design/journey in that moment. You have to be all in. If it starts to fizzle (and it likely will) revisit whatever thought, idea or image that inspired you in the first place and reset that drive. Go after it. Keep going. Get a buddy to join you or to be your sounding board. Dig deep and find that resolve. Only you can make it happen. Only you. You can do it.
If you miss a day, a class, a run, or make a purchase for something you didn’t really need, own it. Chew yourself out a little bit, but allow yourself the misstep. Forgive yourself for sneaking the chocolate or soda or easy chair. Then reset your resolve. Take a breath and push on. There’s always tomorrow. You got this.