From our files
Keller and Nuhn Shoe Store opens in 1946
100 Years Ago, 1921
The Cowley Progress
Determined to have the best choir in the state, Bishop HInckley has effected a complete reorganization of the ward choir, and it is now said to be functioning most splendidly and altogether satisfactorily. Commenting on this matter, the choir’s president this morning informed a Progress representative that it is the intent of the choir to sing at the Big Horn County Fair this fall.
75 Years Ago, April 18, 1946
The Lovell Chronicle
Announcement is made in this issue that the Keller & Nuhn Shoe Store will open to the public on Friday morning. The store is owned by Homer Keller, former manager of the J.P. Croft Company store in Lovell, and Dee Nuhn, instructor in the Lovell schools. Homer will be active in the management of the store at this time. The new establishment is located in the M.A. Jolley building next door to the Diamond Lumber and Hardware. They will feature a full line of shoes for men, women and children and have a representative stock on hand for their opening.
50 Years Ago, April 15, 1971
The Lovell Chronicle
A community betterment project spearheaded by the Lovell Lions Club was given the go-ahead by District #3 school board members last Monday night at their regular meeting. With support from the school district, the group plans to construct a concession stand and broadcasting booth at the baseball field southwest of Lovell High School. Building will also include storage space for Babe Ruth and American Legion equipment and will take place this summer.
25 Years Ago, April 18, 1996
The Lovell Chronicle
One million! It’s been five years in coming, but the goal was finally reached. Last Tuesday, April 9, Nancy Dillon’s Lovell Elementary second-grade class counted their one millionth pull tab. The 1991-92 second-grade class, now sixth graders, began the project to see what a million looks like. Dillon said they have received tabs from 29 of the 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii. The second-grade teacher has used this as a geography tool and has been able to expand it worldwide with tabs coming from Jamaica, Japan, Antarctica, Germany and France, just to name a few. She said the tabs have been one of the easiest ways to teach place value. Dillon has also used them, of course, in counting, weighing and estimating. She noted it takes 1,000 tabs to make a pound.
10 Years Ago, April 14, 2011
The Lovell Chronicle
Pic: Mandy Lillard of Lovell Girl Scout Troop No. 1995 sold 1,024 boxes of cookies this year during the annual Girl Scout cookie sales. Scout leaders said the sale amount is a huge achievement, and that no one has ever sold more than 1,000 boxes in the Lovell area. The Girl Scouts celebrated 99 years of scouting at the end of March.