From our files: Cowley airport improvements planned in 1949

100 years ago, Oct. 31, 1924

The Cowley Progress

The fox trot, which has apparently come to stay in dancing, takes its name from the similarity of its movements to the peculiar step of the American trotting horse when it is making fast time and not to the resemblance to a fox’s movements. The popularity of the fox trot is found in its rhythm, of course, and this is one of the characteristics of a trotting horse when he is making good time, though when a trotter is just jogging along there isn’t so much rhythm in evidence.

75 years ago, Nov. 3, 1949

The Lovell Chronicle

Members of the Cowley Civil Air Patrol met to map future plans for cadets and senior members. State CAP personnel officer Hal Taggart took charge of the meeting and explained to 52 members that improvements of the Cowley airport by the state and federal government with extension of runways to support large airlines were planned. It is expected that these improvements will be started by the middle of the week. The runways will be extended to 5,000 feet and will be surfaced.

50 years ago, Oct. 31, 1974

The Lovell Chronicle

Mr. and Mrs. Burns Brimhall will be honored on their 50th wedding anniversary, Sunday, November 10. Their children will host an open house for them from 2 to 6 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Norton.

25 years ago, Oct. 28, 1999

The Lovell Chronicle

Tim Cahill was filling a gas can in the back of his pickup at the Maverik Country Store on Sunday, Oct. 24. At about 5:38 p.m., a fire started when the static electricity from the liner ignited the fire, according to Lovell Fire Chief Jim Minchow. 

Minchow said the electricity could have ignited vapors from the gas and did not have to come in contact with the liquid itself. He said many people don’t know that the liners create static electricity and thus can cause a fire. Cahill was able to get out of the way quickly and received some burns on his hand and slight singeing of his face and hair.

10 years ago, Oct. 30, 2014

The Lovell Chronicle

There’s new leadership at the Western Sugar Co. factory in Lovell, but that team comes with deep roots. Shannon Ellis was named the factory manager recently, and at his side is maintenance manager Rob Johnson. Both are third-generation employees of the sugar factory. 

Ellis started working at the factory in 1986 at age 18, working evenings while attending school at Northwest Community College during the day. It was only natural for the young man. His grandfather, George Ellis, worked at the factory in the 60s, 70s and 80s, rising to become a shift mechanic. Father Larry Ellis started in the late 60s and retired as maintenance manager in 2009, Shannon said, succeeded by Rob Johnson. 

Johnson’s grandfather, Gerald Johnson, was a machinist at the Mitchell, Nebraska, plant, and the family moved to Lovell in 1967. Father Bob Johnson rose to become a shift master mechanic before retiring as maintenance supervisor in the early 1990s. Mom Sharon Johnson was the factory manager’s clerk from about 1981 to 2003, Rob said.
