From our files: Cowley votes to join new school district in 1974
100 years ago, May 9, 1924
The Cowley Progress
Chas. B. Mann Sunday night talked with his brother-in-law at Woods Cross, Utah, via Cheyenne, and declared the conversation was as easily heard as tho’ they were conversing face to face. The distance is about 1,000 miles. Most remarkable; yet not surprising. It’s the Bell system, you must know. Nothing impossible to the Bell.
75 years ago, May 12, 1949
The Lovell Chronicle
Final alterations on the Lovell depot and freight house of the Burlington were completed last week by F.O. Jones, local contractor and carpenter. Largest item in the modernization program was the addition of more floor space to the freight house adjoining the depot.
Inside the depot a new heating system was installed with modern restrooms for the first time in the depot. On the outside the depot was covered with asbestos siding for the greatest improvement since the time-honored dark red paint was abandoned some years ago.
50 years ago, May 9, 1974
The Lovell Chronicle
Cowley residents voted 168 to 31 to join the smaller school districts in a special election held Tuesday. The alternative was to form a joint district with Lovell. The vote, however, does not automatically put Cowley into a school district with Byron, Frannie-Deaver and Burlington. According to state officials, the vote is only an expression of Cowley’s wishes in the matter and would still have to be approved by the state.
25 years ago, May 6, 1999
The Lovell Chronicle
It was all in the kiss for Ado Annie Carnes (Cora Cordova) in the Rocky Mountain High School rendition of “Oklahoma!” last week.
10 years ago, May 8, 2014
The Lovell Chronicle
Big Horn County School District No. 2 Supt. Dan Coe said, “They are trying to have everything both inside and outside of the building done before school starts, which means that our kids will be able to enjoy the new areas when they come back for school.”
Those new projects include an impressive multipurpose room, a student café and seating area, a security vestibule and other features that enhance safety and security, like separate bus lanes. Athletes will enjoy a revamped football field, field events area and a weight room. Staff will find improved areas for assemblies, special presentations and performances.