From our files: Jameson hit by boulder 25 years ago

100 years ago, Aug. 15, 1924

The Cowley Progress

Bergamo, Italy – Any woman who “lewdly exposes her nudity” is to be forbidden entrance to the churches of this district, in accordance with instructions sent to the clergy by Monsignor Marelli, bishop of Bergamo. The bishop says:

“Women must enter church decently dressed with head and breast covered, without decollete (strapless or low-cut neckline) and with arms covered. Their gowns must be sufficiently long and without indecent transparencies.”

75 years ago, Aug. 18, 1949

The Lovell Chronicle

Byron is proud to claim as a third place winner in the recent V & R picture contest Pamela Cozzens, 6-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Cozzens.

50 years ago, Aug. 15, 1974

The Lovell Chronicle

Push over boys! Little League, Babe Ruth League, boys basketball, Pop Warner football, American Legion baseball – to mention but a few national programs operating “for boys only” – will soon be joined by an All-American Girls’ Basketball Conference. The program is divided into two divisions – Senior play for girls 14 and 15 and the Junior Division for the 12 and 13 age group. Team rosters will be limited to 12 players. Either female or male coaches will be permitted to coach.

25 years ago, Aug. 12, 1999

The Lovell Chronicle

Just four days after being injured from a 70-pound boulder, 13-year-old Michael Jameson was home in Lovell recovering. According to Michael’s mother, Cristy, Michael was with his Boy Scout Troop 7 and other troops at the Buffalo Bill Boy Scout Camp outside of Yellowstone National Park on Tuesday evening, August 3. 

Sometime between 9:30 and 10 p.m. Michael and Craig Winterholler … went up a hill to get the Scouts and returned with most of them. Cristy said they stopped near the base of the hill to rest. A 70-pound boulder came rolling down the hill. Cristy said Michael remembers hearing the noise and leaning forward just as the boulder came, striking Michael on the head. He has three fractures on his skull and several lacerations including a 16-centimeter cut on top of his head. A CAT scan revealed a depressed fracture on the skull. Michael was life flighted to St. Vincent.

Cristy said they are hopeful that he will be able to begin school on August 26, but the doctor will determine that next week. She noted that full recovery is expected to take about eight months.

10 years ago, Aug. 14, 2014

The Lovell Chronicle

After 32 years as custodian, Donna Monk is hanging up her brooms and mops, putting away her vacuum cleaner and is ready to enjoy the freedom of retirement. Monk began the task of keeping school buildings clean and tidy in 1982, when she landed her first job cleaning the log gym in Cowley. Through the years Monk pitched in as a substitute on the kitchen staff, drove the school’s activity bus and pretty much was available to help out whenever needed.

Most recently she was the head custodian at Rocky Mountain Elementary School, where for 23 years she was up before dawn, making the building sparkle before the school’s students and staff arrived.