From our files: Lumber store moves to Lovell in 1925
100 years ago, Jan. 31, 1925
The Cowley Progress
Aldrick-Buchanan’s lumber and hardware and grocery store is no more in Cowley. This firm has been running at a loss for years, always in the belief that conditions here would improve. They are moving their stock and fixtures to Lovell this week.
75 years ago, Feb. 2 , 1950
The Lovell Chronicle
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mortensen accompanied their daughter Madge and Andrew May of Kane to Billings Tuesday where the young people were married. The ceremony was performed in the home of Earl Collins, president of the Billings branch of the LDS church.
Mrs. May graduated from Lovell High School with the Class of 1949. Mr. May is also a graduate of the Lovell schools and has been engaged in the trucking business, operating under the name of May Sand & Gravel company.
50 years ago, Jan. 30, 1975
The Lovell Chronicle
Miss Renata Fernau was installed as Honored Queen of Bethel No. 29 of the International Orders of Job’s Daughters at ceremonies held January 20 in the Masonic Hall. Miss Fernau was presented with a Honored Queen’s Pin from the Bethel and a bouquet of flowers from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fernau.
25 years ago, Jan. 27, 2000
The Lovell Chronicle
Thirty-three students from Rocky Mountain and Lovell high schools will be participating in the National Groundhog Job Shadow Day. Factories, health care providers, federal agencies, veterinarians, preschools, daycares, attorneys, photographers, a newspaper and local schools are participating, along with some businesses from Billings that provide careers not offered locally, including viewing a heart surgery at St. Vincent’s Hospital.
10 years ago, Jan. 29, 2015
The Lovell Chronicle
Ever since the Lovell Main Street water and sewer and street repair project removed the median strips on Main last year, many citizens have lamented that the removal cost Lovell’s main thoroughfare the beautiful flowers that had adorned Main for many years. That got Town of Lovell Parks Director Gary Emmett to thinking, and he tried an experiment last summer to affix hanging flower baskets to light poles. He’s now ready to expand the program with the help of the Lovell Area Chamber of Commerce and participating sponsors.