From our files New Big Horn County jail planned in 1999
100 years ago
May 30, 1924
The Cowley Progress
Arthur Brisbane believes President Coolidge carries a rabbit’s foot. Commenting on the political situation, the brilliant New York editor says: That the President was born lucky as well as wise, sober, serious and moral, everybody knows. He has run for office 19 times and has been elected 19 times. Able Republican politicians say that no matter what happens he will be elected for the 20th time next November.
75 years ago
June 2, 1949
The Lovell Chronicle
Earl Dickson and Fred Bassett have completed arrangements for the operation of their new partnership as Dickson-Bassett Welding Shop. Earl was formerly associated with his brothers in the shop, and Fred became associated with the firm as a welder and a mechanic. They are still featuring all kinds of welding and repair work, as well as radiator cleaning and rebuilding.
50 years ago
May 30, 1974
The Lovell Chronicle
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Bob Schrader reported that the Applications Technology Satellite-F will be launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, Thursday, May 30, and will begin beaming information to Lovell this fall. “It represents the end of three years of planning and the beginning of some exciting tests and experiments,” Schrader said.
Lovell’s receiving dish, used to pick up the information from the satellite, will be officially in operation September 9, according to Norm Opp, middle school principal. “We’ll have trial runs this summer to get everything checked out,” Opp said.
Lovell will receive 400 educational programs, 16 one-hour programs for the faculty, 12 one-hour programs for the community and a semester-long eighth-grade career development class.
25 years ago
May 27, 1999
The Lovell Chronicle
The commissioners earlier this year agreed to move forward with plans to construct a new jail, rather than modify the current jail that has not been in use for about eight years. The county is planning for a 50- to 70-bed facility with separate housing for men, women and juveniles. There will be an indoor/outdoor exercise area, as well. The commissioners and Big Horn County Sheriff Dave Mattis were looking at having meals delivered, but plans for the jail may now include a kitchen.
10 years ago
May 29, 2014
The Lovell Chronicle
In the end, it wasn’t even close. The Lovell Lady Bulldogs track and field team dominated the field at the 2014 Wyoming State Track and Field Championships to win their fourth state title in five years Saturday, capping three days of excellence that saw the team rack up 118.5 points and beat second-place Big Horn (68.5) by 50 points.