Police Report: Missing teen was visiting friend

The Lovell Police Department received the following calls for the week of May 27 – June 2:

May 27: Officers received a noise complaint at a local apartment building.

May 28: A report of shots fired in town and gun brandishing was investigated by police. Officers reviewed video from the scene but were unable to corroborate the complaint. All parties involved received criminal trespass orders and were told to stay off the property of the reporting party.

May 29: A hit and run accident is under investigation.

May 30: An internet scam was reported where $300 went missing from an online Venmo account. The account holder was advised to report the incident to his bank.

May 31: A grandparent reported that a 16-year-old had not been seen since the day before. The youth was located at a friend’s house, and officers gave him a ride back to his residence.

June 1: Officers pulled over a vehicle with faulty headlights. During the traffic stop, a passenger was identified as having a warrant. Arturo Santiago Valencia was arrest on a warrant out of Crook County in Wyoming.

A minor car crash was reported to police. Officers arrested Susan Rae Martinez for driving under the influence.

After a noise complaint, officers searched for a group of young people who allegedly were driving minibikes in a residential area without proper licensing. They were unable to locate the youth.

Note: The above calls were received by the Lovell Police Dept. Persons arrested are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and charges made upon initial arrest may be amended or dismissed as determined by the County Attorney.

