Police Report: Officers investigate report of man with gun

The Lovell Police Department received the following calls for the week of July 9-14:

July 9: Officers investigated a concern about a man taking pictures of houses from a truck. They were unable to locate the man.

A complaint was received regarding solicitors going door-to-door in town asking for money for various reasons.

A Lovell resident reported being a victim of fraud. The fraud began with a telephone call from someone claiming to be with AT&T. The caller already knew a lot of personal information about the victim. The fraudster later tried to open a loan in the reporting person’s name.

July 10: Officers investigated a report of an individual trying to run another motorist off the road near Powell. The same individual was later reported following another person home. The matter is under investigation.

Officers intervened in a verbal argument that was about to become physical. One person left the scene before officers arrived.

July 11: A report of gunshots and a man brandishing a weapon was quickly investigated by police, who found the gun to be a very realistic pellet gun.

Officers responded to a complaint that an employee of a business assaulted a customer. Though the customer was unhappy, he did not want to press charges.

July 12: A Lovell resident reported fraudulent activity on a personal checking account. It turned out that the transaction was legitimate.

July 13: Officers responded to a domestic altercation. The argument was strictly verbal, and no arrests were made.

Officers followed up on a report of a possible drunk driver. The report was unfounded.

