Trick or treat in downtown Lovell Friday

It’s Downtown Trick or Treat Week in Lovell.
The Lovell business community will welcome all manner of ghosts and goblins into their businesses and offices on Friday for the annual event during which participating children can win cash prizes in the form of Lovell Area Chamber of Commerce chamber bucks, not to mention a bucket full of goodies.
The event typically takes place on the last Friday before Halloween since both local school districts have half days for classroom instruction on Fridays.
Kids wishing to win a prize must first have each business sign off on the list of businesses provided on page 8 of this week’s Lovell Chronicle. Only actual newspaper pages will be accepted. Just bring the page to the Chronicle office at 234 East Main by the end of the day.
The fun takes place from 1 to 5 p.m. this Friday, Oct. 27.
