This Valentine’s Day, fall in love with yourself
Imagine a world where everyone loves themselves. Love is a force that operates under the natural law that action and reaction are always equal and moving in opposite directions. What you give comes back to you. You reap what you sow. Karma happens. What goes around, comes around.
People who love themselves value their own happy life and want the same happiness for other people.
You can’t give what you don’t have, though, so first you must receive love. You are an amazing creation and loved unconditionally by your creator, just as you are. Believe and receive this truth. It is the basis for loving yourself.
You might feel that you are unlovable, thinking, “I’m ashamed of things I’ve done.” “I’ve made huge mistakes.” “If others knew who I really am, where I’ve come from, what I’ve done, I’m afraid they wouldn’t like me.”
Yep, me, too. I hear you. Welcome to the human race.
I know what life is like when you feel unlovable. I began having that feeling around the age of 14. By the age of 21, I remember that life felt so unbearably painful that I wished I could just go to sleep and not wake up. I have made the journey from loneliness, hopelessness, insecurity, lack of confidence and self-hatred to realizing that I have value and potential, that I am loved and worthy of love. Self-love changed me from being an angry introvert to a compassionate person who can help others to love life.
It’s been a life-long journey. I’m grateful for the people who took an interest in helping me along my path: teachers, ministers, co-workers, friends and sometimes strangers. People who saw my pain and also my potential. Trust that the right people will be there at the right time to help you, too. Ask for help.
Really, I intended to write a typically sweet Valentine’s Day greeting, but through numerous edits, my fingers typed this deeper message. I’m trusting it’s what someone needs to hear.
So, first you receive love. Then, begin to treat yourself as you treat anyone you love, because you care about their happiness. What makes you happy? Can you have more of that? Believe that you can.
Write your thoughts: how you feel about your physical appearance, the work you do to earn a living, how you spend your spare time, about your personal relationships. Write your blessings: your best physical features, your strengths of character, your creative talents, your athletic ability, your accomplishments, your values, your beliefs and your dreams. Gaze at your word-portrait. See the faulty, gifted, unique person you are today. Decide to become one of the self-lovers that the world needs.
Give yourself chocolate or some other special treat this Valentine’s Day. Celebrate the marvelous creation that is you. Start your journey to fall in love with yourself.
Now ponder this: To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance. -- Oscar Wilde