The Week in Big Horn County
We are interested in printing the births of North Big Horn County babies. Report these births to the Lovell Chronicle at 307-548-2217.
Born to Angelina Helms and Chris Winland at Powell Valley Hospital on Dec. 30, 2024, at 12:58 p.m., a baby girl, Avery Renee Helms-Winland, weighing 5 lbs., 14 oz. Grandparents are Stephen and Leah Anderson, Mary Harrison and Walter Winland.
Warranty deeds issued from the Big Horn County Clerk’s office recently were:
S E Investments and Craig Sorenson to Laro, Inc.; Lot 9, Sec. 29, T57N R97W.
Anna M. Beyer and Michael R. Beyer to Roger Griffin and Debra L. Griffin; Deaver Original Town, Lots 26, 27, (Part) Lot 28, Block 63.
Matthew Allen Bitton to Matthew Allen Bitton and Rachel Bitton; Lot 1, Sec. 30, NE4NW4 Sec. 30, T57N R96W.
Patti J. Hutchinson to Matthew Allen Bitton and Rachel Bitton; NE4NW4 Sec. 30, Lot 1, Sec. 30, SE4SW4 Sec. 19, Lot 8, Sec. 19, T57N R96W.
Personal representative deed issued from the Big Horn County Clerk’s office recently was:
Tami Holdsworth, personal representative, and Natalie Hamilton, personal representative, in the matter of the Estate of Willis, Frank S. to Melissa Braten; E2NE4, NE4SE4 Sec. 24, T57N R97W, Big Horn County S.S. 12-001 Subdivision, Lot 1.
Persons fined in the Fifth Judicial Circuit Court in Big Horn County before Judge Edward G. Luhm recently were:
Jonathan Melville, Sheridan, Wyo., DUI: alcohol =to> .08% within 2 hours of driving, 3rd offense within 10 years, 179 days jail (119 suspended), 3 years supervised probation, $1,020.
Skylor D. Brothers, Greybull, DUI: alcohol =to> .08% within 2 hours of driving, 2nd offense within 10 years, 180 days jail (173 suspended), 1 year unsupervised probation, $1,020.
Rogelio S. Gutierrez, Lovell, reckless endangering, 90 days jail (88 suspended), 1 year supervised probation, $3,200 restitution, $440; reckless driving, $3,200 restitution, $440.
Ambur Newton, Riverton, Wyo., expired temporary license permit/improper registration, $150.
Matthew G. Durney, Powell, DUI: alcohol =to> .08% within 2 hours of driving, 1st offense within 10 years, 60 days jail (60 suspended), 6 months unsupervised probation, $1,020.
Juan Lopes, Greybull, no valid driver’s license, $150.
Gary T. Grant, West Warren, Utah, violate non-game regulations, $150.
Speeding in a 70 mph zone:
Ambur Newton, Riverton, Wyo., $145.
Richard Lee Olsen, Lovell, $103.
Todd Marangon, Orondo, Wash., $145.
Trayton Scheeler, Sheridan, $135.
Speeding in a superintendent’s zone:
Justin Jones, Lovell, $155.
Skylor D. Brothers, Greybull, $177.
Evandro Ricci De Moraes, Winter Garden, Fla., heavy vehicle >39k lbs., $455.
Juan Bentancourt Zendejas, Byron, $103.