Weierman earns medal at National History Day contest in Laramie

Rocky Mountain Middle School seventh grader Grant Weierman represented RMMS in Laramie at the National History Day state competition April 29, social studies teacher McKay Baxendale announced last week.

Weierman’s project, an essay about General John J Pershing, was strong enough to place second at the competition in the essay category, beating out dozens of “other fantastic pieces of writing” from throughout the state, Baxendale said.

“Completing a project for this competition required hard work, dedication and a lot of attention to detail, and Grant took the challenge head on this year and was rewarded for his efforts,” Baxendale said. “His second-place finish earned him an invitation to the national competition at the University of Maryland this June. Good luck, Grant, and we’re all incredibly proud of what you’ve been able to accomplish this year.”