There’s a church raising taking place in Cowley this week.
Members of the all-volunteer Church Building Ministries, Inc. of Summit, Mississippi, gathered in Cowley last Friday and since then have worked to erect the Water of Life Church building.
“It was huge! There were 6,800 animals on the ark.”
The Bible Church youth group from The Point recently made a trip to Kentucky to visit the Ark Encounter and the Creation Museum as well as a few other sites. Six adults accompanied 19 teens on the eight-day adventure.
“Why Lovell, Why Byron, Why Cowley” was the topic of the June general membership meeting at the Mustang Cafe in Lovell, and four citizens told the packed house why they moved to north Big Horn County and stayed.
Mustang Day parade marshals Linda and Bruce Morrison believe a life of service is the best way to repay a community that has always returned the favor.
A multi-talented individual who has worked in various parts of the school system spent her last day on the job Monday after 18 years with School District No. 2.